Everyone seems to take their life for granted. No matter how much you tell them that death is inevitable, they will do things thinking that they have time. So when they are lying there on their death bed, or when they know that their days are limited, they will start looking back and regret everything they have done or not done for that matter. And all of a sudden, their priorities in their life become crystal clear. However, they don’t have time to really make amends, and so that you don’t have such regrets, later on, life here is a list of 5 most common deathbed regrets.
5. Courage to live your own life
This has to be the most common regrets among all that you hear. So many people are afraid to live their own life. They give up on their dreams to live the life that others expect them to live. A lot of people would choose the life of s stable job and steady income instead of living their lives to the fullest or travelling the world. This can be due to family pressure or pressure from the society. Either way, when you are towards the end of your life, you start regretting that if only you had the courage to live your life on your own accord.
4. Focusing less on work
The saddest part about dying is looking around you and seeing you don’t have your friends or family. This happens when you are such a workaholic. You spend a fair portion of your life concentrating on your work and not spending time with your family members, or hanging out with your friends. As a result, you have missed out on the little things in life that bring somebody the pleasure of living. The memories that could have been created with them was spent wasted on logging hours on the office. Yes, working hard is fine but it should be done in a way that there is a balance in life for other things.
3. Expressing your emotions

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A lot of people will go on with their lives by bottling up their emotions. They do this to avoid any sort of problems. Quite often they may not like somebody or have been hurt by a certain person or have held a grudge for so long that they spent their entire life being burden by it. At the end of your life, when you finally let it out or open up to somebody about it, it makes them feel better and they start regretting not doing so earlier. This can be said about having some sort of feeling for a loved one. Maybe you have felt something special towards a person but you never could express it and that can be your biggest regret in life.
2. Losing friends and friendship
No matter what people say, friends are a vital part of life. They are always there for you and they are the ones with whom you create memories with. Somewhere down the line, you keep reminiscing these memories with your friends and it brings a smile to your face. However, most of the time you lose these friends of yours and your friendship becomes nothing but a story of the past. People on their deathbeds have often expressed their regrets about not doing enough to carry on their friendship or not being in touch with them. Because at the end of the day, it’s the memories and the laughter that you shared matter the most instead of all the monetary gains you were after.
1. Wished they chose happiness
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/444097213235101264/
A surprising yet common regret among people is that they didn’t realize until the end that you could have chosen to be happy. It’s not that hard to choose happiness. Most people would compromise their happiness and live a satisfactory life instead of really living it. Maybe they could have let go of certain things that made them unhappy. A job they were not satisfied with, a relationship which made no sense or even done something that could have made them actually smile every once in a while. Fear of change may have had held them back from actually pursuing happiness and now that their lives are about to end, they realize they should have made the bolder choice.