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7 Reasons Why Small Businesses in Kenya Need a Website!

7 Reasons Why Small Businesses in Kenya Need a Website!
Maybe you might be in that category of small business owners who may be thinking that their business can not benefit from and does not need a website. Maybe you are thinking that you don’t need to budget for a business website because, a website to you is “a Luxury”. Or maybe you think that because you do not use a computer, then your potential clients do not use one or as they say, “Your clients are still analog”.
If your reasons for not having a website for your business are highlighted above, brother or sister, you are very analog. I will give you 8 reasons as to why your small business needs a website.
If you already know the true value of a website but never found a Web design company to build you a website, just talk to Nabaleka Digital Solutions and they will have a solution ready for your business.

Why You Need a Business Website

why your business needs a website

1.  Your Small Business will gain credibility

We are living in a digital world where more and more consumers use the internet to look for products or services they need. Just by having a business website, your small business will gain credibility. You need a website that is professionally designed to suit the nature of your business and a good logo to go with it which will inspire even greater confidence.

Remember, if you tell someone that you run a business, the first thing they will do is to Google the business name and having a Website will save you the embarrassment and business.

Co-Op post

2.  A Business Website saves money

As small business owner, you probably think that you can not afford a professional website, but in the real sense, you can not afford not to have a website. If you compare the cost of building a website and that of advertising on the newspaper so that people can know your exist, a website will save you more money than you can imagine.

Just like I have mentioned above, We are living in a digital world where everything online is cheaper and reaches more people than the traditional marketing methods. Having a website is a very cost effective way to promote your business.

3.  It will allow you to keep your customers informed

You are on Bizna to get real-time information and tips for business. Now imagine your website as your online catalog. It is much easier and faster to update information about your products and services on your site than on print media, making it an effective way to let your customers know more about your products, events, special promotions, or any new services that you are offering. Unlike print ads that quickly become outdated, the site can provide current information and news.

4.  A website makes it possible to reach a wider market

If you provide products or services, the site will provide you with an alternate location to sell them. As a retailer, a website (and Commerce) is a great place to sell your products to a wider market; same services can be made available worldwide.


5.  It provides a medium in which to showcase you work

No matter what type of business you are in, a website is a great place to showcase your work. With the inclusion of a portfolio or image gallery, as well as testimonials about your work, you can demonstrate what makes your business unique.

6.  A SITE saves time

Providing information to your customers takes time, whether by phone, face to face, in a brochure, or e-mails. But with a website, you can provide a lot of information about your products and services. Once your website is up and running, it is available to customers for an indefinite time, which saves time. What is time? Time is money!

7.  It improves CUSTOMER SERVICE

You may sell green products and would like to share tips on how to recycle, or perhaps you are an accountant and want to give your customers advice on how to simplify their accounting practices. By including a FAQ page, adding articles or newsletters, you provide all the answers to your customers questions and you can keep them up-to-date. How best to provide them value added service than by sharing information on their website.

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A Website will give your business a new meaning, it is now important to have one for your business. Remember the old times when your business needed a postal address. Substitute that with a website.

To get your business website at reasonable rates, contact Nabaleka Digital Solutions or send us an email and we will link up with them at a discount (Only for Bizna Readers!).

nabaleka business website quote

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