Sunday, September 22, 2024

19 foreigners, 2 Kenyans ‘stole’ our votes from March 2022 – Raila, Karua say

19 foreigners, 2 Kenyans 'stole' our votes from March 2022 - Raila, Karua say

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and his 2022 presidential election running mate Martha Karua have alleged that the presidential vote was stolen from as far back as March 2022.

In an affidavit that has been sworn by Karua, the duo allege that their votes were stolen by 2 Kenyans and 19 foreigners, who they say had access to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission systems.

They allege that these individuals manipulated the systems and altered voter turnout data to grant a win to Dr William Ruto.

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“The historical analysis of one of the laptops indicated the user is able to directly log into the IEBC local IP address using remote desktop tools. The history demonstrates that the remote access to the IEBC IP address began in March 2022,” Karua alleges in the affidavit.

The two add that during the presidential tally, forms 34A were being intercepted and stored temporarily in an external address not belonging to the IEBC.

She alleges that this was being done to allow the interceptor to manipulate the forms 34A before re-uploading and uploading different forms 34A.


Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Wafula Chebukati was personally continuously deleting and uploading different result declaration forms—Form 34A, 34B and 34C—even after the declaration of the final ‘outcome’ on August 15, 2022, as shown by the use of his credentials in the logs of the IEBC portal,” Karua alleges.

Karua and Raila further allege that there is a variance of 140,028 votes between the total number of votes that were recorded in Form 34C and the total number of votes that were identified using the Kiems kits.

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She alleges that forms 34A issued to the Azimio agents at the polling stations and electronically transmitted through the Kiems kits to the National Tallying Centre vary from those in the IEBC portal.


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