FORBES has spent the past 30 years scouring the globe to find all of the world’s richest people and value their fortunes. This year’s result: 1,810 billionaires from 67 countries worth a combined $6.5 trillion. Here are 12 things you should know about these 10-figure fortunes:
1. In the past 30 years, only 5 people have held the title of richest person on planet:
Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Warren Buffett, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi and Taikichiro Mori. Bill Gates has been the world’s richest person for 17 of the past 22 years.
2. The 500 richest individuals in the world are responsible for 64% of all 1,810 billionaires’ wealth.
3. A record 66 members of the 2016 FORBES Billionaires List are under the age of 40.
That’s more than triple the number four years ago and a seven-fold increase since 2010. A record 36 of these young billionaires have self-made fortunes.
4. Just 19 years old, Alexandra Andresen is the world’s youngest billionaire and the second teenage billionaire to ever appear on the Billionaires List.
Heir to a family fortune built on tobacco, FORBES values her stake in investment company Ferd at $1.2 billion. Her sister, Katharina Andresen, is the second youngest billionaire at the age of 20.
5. New to the list this year, Zhou Qunfei of Hong Kong is the world’s richest self-made female entrepreneur with a $5.9 billion fortune.
She owns nearly 88% of Lens Technology, the world’s largest makers of glass covers for mobile phones and tablets and a supplier to Apple and Samsung. The company went public in May 2015.
6. Twenty-seven billionaire megadonors have publicly given a collective $46 million to presidential candidates who have dropped out of the race.
Donald Trump meanwhile has spent just $18 million of an estimated roughly $300 million cash pile.
7. Mark Zuckerberg added $11.2 billion to his net worth in the past 12 months (more than any other billionaire) as Facebook shares rose 35%.
8. Despite a turbulent year for the world’s wealthy, 198 newcomers added their names to the FORBES Billionaires List in 2016.
The richest new additions were Udo and Harald Tschira, who inherited shares in software giant SAP from their father Klaus Tschira, who died.
9. This past year, 221 billionaires got knocked off the FORBES Billionaires list;
not since 2009—when the credit crisis exiled 355 from the three-comma club—have so many gone down in one year.
10. Just two of the 20 richest people in the world held on to their rankings this year.
Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet for the 17th time in the last 22 years. His buddy Warren Buffett remains the third-richest person in the world, despite losing $11.9 billion as shares of his Berkshire Hathaway tumbled 14%.
11. There are only 10 female billionaires who made or inherited their fortunes from technology.
The richest is Steve Job’s widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, who holds the largest individual stake in Disney and is worth $16.2 billion
12. New York City is still the world capital for the ultra-rich.
Seventy-nine billionaires call the Big Apple home, holding a combined $364.6 billion in wealth. Mike Bloomberg is the city’s richest, taking the spot from David Koch.