Zuku officials couldn’t hold the pressure anymore as they were never given a chance to launch their new product of 250Mbps for Kshs. 19999. The room started with buzzing and giggles at Nailab when the event delayed to start.
A common phrase “This is Zuku what do you expect” filled the room with frustrated clients who had come well prepared to storm the Zuku officials.
Finally when the launch started the first comment from the audience was “Why launch new products when the old ones have not reached a satisfying standard. Angry customers added fire to the launch when they even said Zuku customer care is so poor as compared to their competitors. They insisted that why should the customer care number for Zuku be paid for by the client and why should the response time be more than 6 or even 12 hours.
Zuku staff got overwhelmed with the negative comments from the audience and had to close the session earlier than the communicated time
Below are some of the negative comments and reactions against Zuku on twittter