How entrepreneurs can eliminate competition in business

Wondering how you can get rid of your business competitors? These simple guidelines can help you through;

Low pricing

A slightly lower price on products than that of competitors will attract customers to your business. But if the pricing is too low that will discourage customers who might doubt the quality of products. Always be aware of the pricing at competitors and set your pricing a little bit lower.

Offering free trials and giving out of free samples

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Give out free samples to your customers to build their confidence on products sold. Also offering free trials for a duration of time on goods and services can build customer confidence. This makes clients to prefer shopping from your business than anywhere else.

High standard products

Goods and services produced by your business should be of higher standards compared to those of competitors. Low quality products will discourage potential buyers.


Appealing packaging

Products sold should be packed in an appealing manner. Reckless packaging can discourage clients from buying a particular product causing a business to have low sales. Business owners should invest on high quality, appealing  and environment friendly packaging for goods sold.

Offer warranty on goods

Goods sold should have a warranty e.g. one year warranty. Customers tend to prefer buying from places where products sold have a warranty. This assures customers of quality of products bought.

Free delivery

Offer free delivery for goods bought from your premises. Delicate and large sized products can be delivered to customer’s home or their place of preference. This saves customers transportation costs. Hence making customers to prefer buying from you than from your competitors.

Favorable mode of payment  

To have a larger client base, accept various modes of payments from customers including payment of monthly installments. Accepting only a single mode of payment can be discouraging to customers.

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