Saturday, May 4, 2024


How dairy goat farming is the new cash-cow

At Felista Nyaguthi’s home, which sits on a 40 by 80m land in Kieni, a shed hosts 12 goats of the German Alpine breed. “I...

How to look after a lame cow

In basic terms an animal that cannot walk properly suffers from a kind of lameness. This condition points to a health problem with the...

Your guide to starting commercial dairy farming

The following guide is by Musyoka Duncan. With demand for milk rising rapidly, many people are venturing into commercial dairy farming having seen the business...

PART 2: Why your dairy cow is struggling to conceive

Infectious diseases There are several bacterial, protozoan and viral diseases that affect the reproductive system and therefore result in infertility. These diseases include brucellosis, trichomoniasis,...

All about using a milking machine

More farms are adopting milking machines due to for health and hygiene reasons. Good milking techniques require that the cow remains comfortable and relaxed. This...



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