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Home NEWS Ephraim Njega: Challenges KCB faces in bid to acquire Chase Bank

Ephraim Njega: Challenges KCB faces in bid to acquire Chase Bank

Ephraim Njega: Challenges KCB faces in bid to acquire Chase Bank

I think the media somehow misreported on the KCB-Chase Bank issue. Acquisition of Chase by KCB is a complex matter which may or may not eventually happen.

As per CBK statement “KCB will undertake a detailed due diligence review of CBL. This will inform decisions relating to KCB’s interest in a majority stake. Additional information about this process, including the timeline of an acquisition and the exit from receivership, will be made available in due course.”

While KCB might have valid reasons to be interested in Chase many challenges remain

Co-Op post

1. Chase Bank was serving a niche clientele and it will be a challenging maintaining the same level of customer service and close relationship the customers were used to. KCB and Chase are two different brands and running two different banks may not make sense

2. Results of due diligence may reveal issues that may complicate the acquisition process

3. Large depositors and even the bondholders were attracted to Chase by high fixed deposit rates that may not be sustainable


4. When the small depositors collect their cash and leave will it be possible to continue attracting new deposits?

5. For how long can the deposits of the large depositors remain locked in Chase without soiling the name of KCB?

6. Will the re-opened Chase Bank continue advancing loans or it will just be taking deposits?

7. How will KCB rehabilitate the reputation and trust of Chase Bank now almost totally wiped out? The involvement of KCB in matters Chase may also affect KCB’s image negatively if the process is not smooth

8. What if the proposed future acquisition encounters hiccups and disagreements?

9. Will KCB also take control of Chase Assurance, Genghis and Rafiki DTM
The winner here is CBK and the banking sector who now have the breathing space as house cleaning continues. KCB needs to manage the process with a lot of care and ensure accurate and proper communication with all stakeholders.
It is not accurate to report that Chase has been acquired. KCB is just a receiver manager.

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