Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Facebook breaks down with celebrity spams

Facebook has come down with a strange bug that is spamming celebrity pages and filling new feeds across board.

The new bug has seen News Feed get flooded with posts sent to pages of artists like Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Nirvana, and The Beatles.

Other celebrities who have been affected include Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, and footballers such as Mesut Ozil.

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“Users have been quick to take advantage of the bug and are now sending memes to celebrities that they know will be shared far and wide,” one report cited.


It added;

“One widely shared image I’m seeing on my own feed features a picture of a turkey sandwich with the caption, “If you see this share it to another celebrities Facebook page keep the turkey sandwich moving.” It seems everyone that follows that celebrity will then see the image in their feed.”

The bizarre bug has also seen some users start to spam PayPal donation links while others have started promoting cryptocurrency projects.


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