Monday, March 31, 2025

Over 5.4 million Kenyans file returns ahead of KRA filing deadline

Over 5.4 million Kenyans had filed their returns by 28th June 2023, representing a 16 per cent growth compared to the returns submitted same period last year.

In the week commencing 26th June 2023, KRA has been processing an average of 150,000 returns per day, with this number expected to increase with as the filing deadline inches closer.

The increment in the number of Kenyans who have filed returns reflects increased tax compliance rate.

Co-Op post

Tax compliance has experienced significant growth over a five-year period, from 2 million returns filed for 2017 to 5.5 million returns filed for the 2021 year of income.

The growth is fuelled by taxpayers who have embraced the call of patriotism, to pay their fair share of taxes. KRA appreciates all taxpayers (individual, non-individual, resident and non-resident) for consistently taking initiative and complying with their return filing obligations.


How KRA has simplified process of filing returns this year

Over the years, KRA has also enhanced its service support framework by providing offsite filing support during ushuru mashinani engagements, extended working hours at KRA service Centers and select Huduma Centres.

Further, KRA has aggressively reached taxpayers through return filing guides and video tutorials on the KRA website, virtual support through the Contact Centre and social media platforms.

Additionally, KRA has collaborated with Government agencies, community leaders, business member organisations, religious organisations, and academic institutions to provide onsite filing support. KRA encourages all taxpayers to file returns before the 30th June deadline.

KRA Service Centres will continue to provide filing support to all customers from 7:00am to 7:00pm, and the Contact Centre (0711 099 999) will operate from 7:00am to 12:00 midnight.


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