Monday, March 10, 2025

Kenya, UN Women launch gender-responsive procurement initiative

Government of Kenya and UN Women Kenya launches gender-responsive procurement initiative – the Strategic Partnership Framework (UAE – SPF) Project  to accelerate gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

The United Arab Emirates has funded the Strategic Partnership Framework (UAE – SPF) Project to a tune of fifteen million dollars ($15 million). 

Women continue to encounter significant challenges including access to assets and productive resources, finance, education and training, leading to their overrepresentation in low-wage, low-skilled and precarious jobs.

Co-Op post

The Project will build on the progress of Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) and other frameworks within the private sector such as Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and the UN system. This will ensure that gender-responsive procurement is not only a policy but a practice that delivers a measurable impact in increased women’s incomes and economic empowerment. The Project will also convene government representatives, UN and development agencies, private sector leaders and women-owned / led and gender-responsive businesses to foster commitment and identify best practices to build capacitiesthrough Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) and affirmative procurement in the private sector and the UN system.

Specifically, the 3-year project will strengthen affirmative procurement opportunities within the private sector and the UN system. Currently, uptake of this affirmative allocation is at 17%. UN Women continues to work with the directorate of public procurement to increase awareness of communities especially women, on AGPO and to strengthen the demand side of AGPO by training Government Procurement OfficersThe Project will support women entrepreneurs, promoting access to markets and seize The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) with the aim of creating fair and inclusive procurement systems that uplift women and communities,” said Ms. Antonia Ngabala-Sodonon, Country Representative, UN Women Kenya Country Office.


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The Strategic Partnership Framework (UAE SPF project) adopts a systematic approach for women’s economic empowerment that promotes job creation and the full realization of women’s rights, agency, leadership and economic autonomy and attainment of decent working conditions free from violence and harassment and tackle discriminatory social and legal norms through policy and programmatic change.

The launch of the Project provides an opportunity to revitalize out commitments, call for accountability and action from all decision makers as we approach the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and platform for action in 2025 a visionary blueprint for achieving gender equality and women and girls’ rights globallyThere is need to identify actionable strategies to promote women’s economic empowerment by building capacities and systems that foster gender-responsive procurement from women-owned / led and gender-responsive businesses,” said Hon. CPA John Mbadi – Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury and Economic Planning

The government of the UAE and UN Women under the UAE – UN Women Strategic Partnership Framework 2024 -2027 will focuson accelerating women’s economic empowerment in Africa, including KenyaThis is in line with UN Women’s Gender Equality Accelerator (GEA) on Women and the World of Work. Concrete results in supporting women’s entrepreneurship and decent work will be advanced in Kenya and Chile, as well as at the global level, through promoting gender-responsive procurement in the public and private sectors and fostering enabling markets for women.

“The project will build on the foundation of Kenya’s Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO). Through the initiative, the government will be able to strengthen affirmative procurement frameworks including the private sector and the United Nations system,” said Ms. Anne Wang’ombe, Principal Secretary, State Department for Gender, and Affirmative Action

UN Women Kenya will leverage the public and private procurement processes to create equal opportunities and outcomes for women as business owners, leaders, and workers, while simultaneously contributing to economic growth. LL


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