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Home SME Introducing Buyology, The Company That Lets You Know Exactly What Your Customers Are Thinking About Your Business

Introducing Buyology, The Company That Lets You Know Exactly What Your Customers Are Thinking About Your Business

Introducing Buyology, The Company That Lets You Know Exactly What Your Customers Are Thinking About Your Business

Buyology By Bizna Brand Analyst

It is true that most business owners do not understand what their customers go through. This ends up creating  a huge problem because businesses keep on implementing strategies that customers are not too thrilled with. But there’s no need to fret. Buyology helps solve that problem.

The company hires mystery shoppers who pose as your customers and report back with findings. The reports will eventually give you a clear picture of what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.

Co-Op post

We linked up with the Buyology founder Jacquie Mwangi who told us much more.

1. Why did you decide to get into this type of business and how long have you been in it?


I decided to begin Buyology after reading an international report on how Kenyan banks are rated the worst in customer experience. I remember this triggering thoughts about the experience I had been having with my bank and it made me wonder if the management of the banks knew what was going on in their banking halls and what their customers were experiencing. Over time, I decided to use my years of managing customer experience in telecommunications to good use and practice what I had learnt to help other industries and organizations.

2. What are some of the major challenges your business has faced so far? How did you handle them?

The major challenge we face is in getting businesses to understand how what we do translates to their bottom line.

3. What has been the proudest moment of your business?

My proudest moments are always seeing the results we are able to deliver for the businesses we work with. When we present the results from a mystery shopping project, we include recommendations and it is very fulfilling when we see a business grow from implementing our recommendations.

  1. Anything you ever regret not doing?/ Anything you wish you had done differently?

I do not wish I had done anything differently and quite frankly, I believe regret is a waste of time. One cannot change the past. You can only have an effect on current results, which will determine future results, which quickly become the past.

  1. What type of customers do you normally get?

We get customers from all industries that are working towards influencing and improving customer experience and as a result, growing their revenue and profits.

  1. Do you have employees? How many?

Yes. We have 4 employees, some of who are contractual staff.

  1. Have you ever received any form of loan or funding?


8. What is your background? Education, Work Experience

My background has been in marketing, brand and retail management in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. I have worked in the region and understand the different cultures, behaviors and spending habits.

9. What type of business form do you have?

Limited liability.

10. How do you market your business to get more customers?

Currently it is mostly through our networks and word of mouth. We get referrals from people we have worked with and who can vouch for the quality of our work.


11. Who are your competitors and how do you handle them?

We are the first and only company that focuses on improving customer experience through mystery shopping and that has an existing customer base of crowd-sourced mystery shoppers. We have competition from research firms who carry out mystery shopping as one of their qualitative research methods, but we are the only company that focuses on this research area.

12. What’s your biggest fear in business?

Corruption. We fear having to deal with corrupt individuals who are not interested in the benefits and results of what we have to offer but on what is in it for them.

13. Name one person that has influenced you the most… and the reason.

Bob Proctor. He is the greatest speaker on prosperity and he not only understands this topic deeply from studying it for 55 years, he finds a way to communicate it very simply and effectively. He has helped me understand myself better.

14. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Life inspires me. There is so much inspiration around us if we would just open our eyes and see things as they are and not as we expect them to be.

15. What’s the best business advice you have ever received?

It is important for any leader to be decisive. Do not focus so much on how many things could go wrong from the decision, as that will keep you stuck. Make the decision and move on. Focus on the goal and make required changes as you move towards it. You cannot steer a car that is not moving.

16. What’s the one question you wish someone would have asked you but never did?

What is the most difficult decision you have ever had to make?

Answer: The most difficult decisions for me are where I need to decide to fix or put an end to something that is not broken to enable a better future which is not guaranteed by the decision.

17. What do you do when you are not working?

I love to travel. I also have amazing friendships and spend time with my friends when I am not working.

18. What’s your family life like?


19. What’s your most prized possession?

My mind and health. The human mind is the most powerful creative tool and I value its abilities. Health is important to enable you to have the energy and ability to put the mind to use.

20. State a piece of wisdom you would pass on to a young person looking to follow in your steps

Choose both your friends and how you decide to spend your time wisely. These will influence your thinking and habits, which will determine the results you get in life.

21. What is the future for your type of business?

Our mission is to become the largest mystery shopping organization in Africa, offering well analysed data to improve customer experience for businesses and creating money-earning opportunities for the mystery shoppers.



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