You were a founding director at BAKE, which is one of the best thing to happen to Kenyan bloggers. How was the idea conceptualized?
The idea was conceptualized at a coffee shop by Bobby Mwirigi, James Wamathai and Kennedy Kachwanya. They then later reached out to like-minded souls like myself who were passionate about growing bloggers and blogging in the country to form BAKE.
Many young women usually feel like they have it tougher than men in the corporate world. In a few words, what’s your advice to them on how to rise up the ranks?
Most women do have it tougher in the corporate world, it isn’t a ‘feeling’. I think that acknowledging this as women and as organizations is the first step. The second step is to ensure that companies push for measures to keep women leading in the work force and growing
Anything you ever regret not doing?/ Anything you wish you had done differently?
Regret is a pointless emotion in my opinion. I really don’t tend to think ‘backwards’ it isn’t something that I can control, I prefer to focus on what I can get done.
What does Muthoni like doing outside work?
I cook and host a lot of dinners for friends, I also love to go for yoga classes on Saturdays at the African Yoga Project in Parklands and run in Karura on Sundays.
So far, Is Kenya moving in the right direction digitally?
Kenya is a digital lion in the region, we are not only moving in the right direction but also shaping the direction.
What’s your family life like?
I prefer to keep that bit a little private…
Name a few people you envy in the business world
Envy would not be the right term, I think admire is more like it. Tabitha Karanja, Sylvia Mulinge, Peter Nduati and Amina Mohamed.
On a scale of 1 to 10, where do you feel you are compared to what you plan to achieve in life?
Can I say 11?
What’s the best career advice you have ever received?
Put yourself forward for opportunity, even if you are not sure. Stepping up is more important. Progress not perfection. Something my awesome Director Sylvia Mulinge taught me.
Thank you so much Muthoni