"Mbona knowledge ilibaki na Native tongues? Asking,thought vision yenyu ni kama ya CAT scansWrong side of the barrel wote tukiwa up in arms, Vaa vest lest we ndo victim tukitake turns"
Qina aka Killa Q is a Nakuru MC and battler from the 1183 collective. He is hailed as one of the top lyricists in the group in terms of content, aggressive delivery, freestyle ability and witty punch lines that will knock your socks off at anytime.
Running is the first song that was recorded after Qina won the Realest Hip Hop Battle that was held last year. Produced by Sango, the track blends soulful vocals from the gifted Jadel and Roso who do justice to the hook while also setting the base for the subject matter of the song.
In the first verse Killa Q celebrates his victory while also stating that he has his rightful earned place in the hip hop scene. The verse also thwarts the stereotypical view accredited to his hometown.
"Running twice a year vile nyinyi hujaza mafake ass/Tuacheni ka N.A.X uneza drop the Vegas", states Q.
The second verse opens up on a more conscious perspective as Qina challenges the listener to question what they consider as lyricism as he poses reflective questions throughout the verse.
"Tag track ka classic ju audience ni junkies na fix ni multies".
Tanzanian Rapper EMC closes the song perfectly by delivering a soliloquy with God about the state of things.
"Najiuliza maswali na bado sijapata jibu Mbona hali sio shwari na sioni utaratibu Naomba Mungu naswali niepushe na masahibu"
This is a must listen for every hip hop enthusiast.