1. Best Technology Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that cover technology matters like social media, internet usage, consumer electronics, mobile phones, tech startups etc. They include:-
2. Best Photography Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that showcase original photos or have photography related content. They include:-
3. Best Creative Writing Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that feature original creative writing in the form of poetry, book reviews, fiction and essays. They include:-
4. Best Business Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that feature business content like business development, entrepreneurship, startups, stocks, investments, banking etc. They include:-
5. Best Food Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that focus on food, cooking tips, restaurants, wines and recipes. They include:-
- kaluhiskitchen.com
- pendolamama.co.ke
- www.tastesafari.co.ke
- thewineandfoodreview.com
- thefitfabfoodie.com
6. Best Environmental/Agricultural Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that focus on the environment and agriculture. They include:-
7. Best Fashion/Beauty/Hair/Style Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that highlight current trends in fashion, beauty and style. They include:-
8. Best Politics Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that cover political issues in Kenya. They include:-
- info.mzalendo.com
- brainstorm.co.ke
- gathara.blogspot.co.ke
- kanalispeaks.wordpress.com
- maunduville.blogspot.co.ke
9. Best New Blogs in Kenya
Outstanding Blogs that were set up from January 2015 onwards. They include:-
10. Best Corporate Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that are run by brands/companies. They include:-
11. Best Topical Blogs in Kenya
Blogs with a clear niche that is not represented in any of the other categories. They include:-
12. Best Sports Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that feature sports content. They include:-
13. Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Blogs in Kenya
Blogs about the Kenyan entertainment industry and Kenyan lifestyle. They include:-
14. Best Education Blogs in Kenya
Blogs about education matters and those run by educational institutions. They include:-
15. Best Travel Blogs in Kenya
Blogs about travel. They include:-
- safari254.com
- theartofwanderlusting.wordpress.com
- theadventuresofcathy.com
- holidayafrika.com
- funtravelke.wordpress.com
16. Best Health Blogs in Kenya
Blogs about healthcare and healthy living in Kenya. They include:-
- couchhealthandfitness.wordpress.com
- healthkenya.co.ke
- afyapress.com
- sitawa.blogspot.com
- lindaafya.co.ke
17. Best County Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that are based in a County and that feature content from a specific County. They include:-
- lifeinmombasa.com
- county-yangu.com/default
- kakamega411.com
- loitokitok.com
- laikipiaruralvoices.blogspot.co.ke
18. Best Religious or Spirituality Blogs in Kenya
Blogs that feature content on religion and/or spirituality. They include:-
- ernestwamboye.blogspot.com
- imwashigadi.wordpress.com
- braveheartedliving.com
- ummah.co.ke
- njerigichuki.blogspot.com
19. Kenyan Gossip Blogs
These are blogs that feature gossip content in Kenya. These Kenyan Gossip Blogs include:-