Thursday, January 23, 2025

Up & Ahead: strategies that matter

Strategies That Matter - Bizna Kenya

Up & Ahead: strategies that matter

I am back here exactly one month down the road since ‘New Year Resolutions’ was published on Bizna Kenya in January 2022.

Absolutely delighted that my resolve to read 12 books by the end of the year is squarely on track. Currently reading ‘Guru, A long walk to Success’, an autobiography about an astute industrialist Narendra Raval, more popularly and fondly known as Guru or Chairman.

A pleasant bonus is that my 9-year-old has picked the reading habit too, she now occasionally snuggles with a story book every couple of days to read and mimic mommy. Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney was her first choice of books to read.

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There are various diaries of the Wimpy Kid covering a variety of topics and seasons. She is on her second book by the same author, while good old mom is on her third. I promise I never said a word to her about reading books – but true to form, actions do speak louder than words.

Next on her reading plan is Dork Diaries by Rachel Renée Russell (not sure if that’s not a bit above her shoe size – note to self: need to read reviews of Dork Diaries soonest).


Book review – Up & Ahead

Strategies That Matter - Bizna Kenya
Strategies That Matter – Bizna Kenya

Up & Ahead by Sunny Bindra was the grand year opener that heralded the new era of reading in my household. The book concludes on an unexpectedly somber note reminding the reader that all is vanity. We are dust, from dust, and to dust we shall return.

The author reminds us of our mortality, that when all is said and done, whatever strategies we make should make our dusty souls ‘better than dust’ or ‘fine dust’ (did you see what I did there?) by outliving our time on this earth.

New Year Resolutions 

The thing is this, there must be a greater purpose, a longer game, driving our strategies be they business or personal. In the end the strategies that really matter are those that ‘maximize goodwill and compassion’. Strategies that matter are those that create a common value shared by many, sustainable and beneficial across more than just our own generation.

Some would refer to these kind of strategies as ‘sustainable shared values’. Strategies that matter are those that  create a heritage and an inheritance for the next generation and perhaps even the generations thereafter.

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Strategies That Matter - Bizna Kenya
Strategies That Matter – Bizna Kenya

The Good Book

The Good Book defines a righteous man as one who leaves an inheritance not only to his children, but to his children’s children. He thinks generationally and recognizes that the most important inheritance is not physical wealth, but godly character and a good name.

The same concept applies to a great strategy. A good strategy requires one to play long and stay in the game for the long haul. A good strategist realizes that a great business will not only generate physical wealth for its shareholders today but will play long by staying alive in the game for posterity.

Business strategies that matter - Bizna Kenya
Business strategies that matter – Bizna Kenya

A good strategy is cognizant that it is good to create wealth today for the shareholders, but it is greater to keep the business in the game for the benefit of the shareholders’ successors and beyond. If anything is to be compromised, it should never be the long-term goals.

Short term swings in the fortunes of the business are bearable when the strategist has clear sight and grip on the long-term goals. To quote verbatim, the author suggests that

“a great business follows the golden rule: it does things for the greater good of as many people as possible; and it aims to stick around for centuries, not just a few explosive years.”

One, Three, Five, Ten?

It seems to me that the default strategic planning period for many private businesses is 3 to 5 years, occasionally one may find a few strategic plans for upto 10 years. Many executives in the present times are tending towards shortening the period to as short as 1 to 3 years.

The reasons quoted by many is that the environment is dynamic and that we are in VUCA times. Granted, the market is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous and businesses must stay agile to adapt accordingly. The question is, are businesses focused on real strategy or on short term tactics to maneuver in the market?

The author of Up and Ahead presents a convincing argument that a great strategy should be futuristic to the tune of 25 years and beyond. He suggests that the longer the timeline, the better and wider the scope of the strategy. Truth be told, most people can hardly imagine their landscapes beyond 5 years. Such long-term planning extending vision and imagination beyond 25 years takes a lot of effort whichever way one looks at it.

Business strategies that matter
Business strategies that matter

It also forces us to be unselfish and accept that any benefits accruing from the strategy will more likely be enjoyed by others, much more than they will be enjoyed by ourselves. This is not an easy gospel, but it posits the most persuasive description of strategy that I have come across in recent times.

From Dust to Dust

Up & Ahead suggests that we have got to stretch the purpose for which the business exists. The purpose must be long term, although the implementation tactics can be short term. Implementation on the shorter term – annually, quarterly, or otherwise should then be aligned to the long-term strategy.

The purpose must exceed immediate gains, current shareholders wealth and short-term benefits to stakeholders. The impact of the purpose must be more visionary and focused on the sustainability of the business far into the unforeseen future.

On the same breath our individual purpose must stretch beyond our personal comforts and gains. We must remember to look Up, look far Ahead, look beyond the horizon, and consider if our personal purpose transcends generations. We must remember that in the end we are but dust. Only then can we truly get on the path that leads us to make strategies that truly matter.


Millicent Mello - Bizna Kenya
Millicent Mello – Bizna Kenya

Millicent Mello is an experienced banker and business writer.


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