Antony Nderitu Advises young entrepreneurs on how to deal with procrastination

The majority of young entrepreneurs struggle with procrastination in their careers and day-to-day life. Antony Nderitu, 24 years of age, is the CEO of Connection Enterprises.

A pro – technology marketing agency, focused on connecting people to better Business Opportunities. Connection Enterprises develops software products that are geared towards creating and strengthening existing business connections.

Antony talks of how he manages overcome procrastination in business and his day-to-day life:

Co-Op post


Procrastination is a controversial topic, but over the years I have come to look at it as being more of a perfectionist disease when overdone. Evidence of this can be seen in many smart people who have great ideas and developed products which they never introduced in the market.

Tasks which we postpone doing are in reality still undone, although we still have a false sense of accomplishment. The feeling that we get when we make yet another resolution is that finally, we shall do it tomorrow!

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This goes on and on tainted with petty excuses of what you don’t have and what you hope to get in order to start the task. However truth be told, you already have everything you need to take the first step! Everything you need for the next step is in the completion of the first step … Step by step & you shall get to your end goal.

Dealing with procrastination

Personally, I do not avoid procrastination. It is a powerful tool and I use it to my advantage. Frankly speaking, I procrastinate a lot but I have methods which I use to contain it.

First, I involve and commit to relevant parties, announce deadlines then take on the challenge, knowing I cannot back down.

When I get caught on a tight spot, I leave the task and revisit it at a later date (close to the deadline). This time I have very little time to goof around making mountains out of small hills. Whenever I face scarcity, it is my belief that there is a plain field of realization and creativity. This helps me to focus on what is necessary for this particular task to be completed.

Many entrepreneurs are not able to see the pros of the actualization of their ideas.  “Stop focusing on the hole in the donuts and start focusing on the donuts surrounding the hole” you have a lot to capitalize on.

Most young entrepreneurs have enough to get them started. They just need to bring their minds to a place where they can see abundance and advantage on what they already have. And put themselves in a corner, burn some bridges to ensure they achieve their goals and do required tasks on time.

Antony Nderitu’s contacts;

Email – [email protected]

Phone – 0717384023