Am not going to deny that getting lower grades than you expected sucks. It’s disappointing to feel like you didn’t achieve a goal that you worked hard for.
But, at the same time I’m not going to let you wallow in your own self pity or drink the disappointment away. It’s not the end of the world.
Now, I know, I know, I know you’ve probably heard that a thousand times today and it doesn’t make you feel any better at all. But seriously, hear me out; missing out on the results you wanted, does not mean you’re condemned to fail everything and live under a bridge for the rest of your life.
You might not be on the path you expected, but you could be on a better one. You may not be getting to do the university degree wanted, but you could have dodged a mighty bullet. Remember that there are different routes to the same destination. So even if you have your heart set on a specific career, this just means you have to find another way to get there. It doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
And if that ‘reach for the stars, you can do anything’ speech didn’t work, you don’t have to take my word for it. Take a look below at this pretty impressive list of rich and successful Kenyan who got low High School results or some did well in High School but couldn’t afford paying for University degrees before they were famous. These guys might just convince you that everything is going to be ay-ok, if you refuse to let this little blip define you.
1. Jaguar
 Jaguar was recently is one of the richest musicians in Kenya you may not be a fan of his music but he certainly knows what he is doing even without an educational background.
2. Redsan
Although we haven’t heard from this guy in a while it is clear that Redsan managed to get the spotlight with his music and creativity without a degree.

3. Huddah Monroe Â
Regardless of what people may say, let’s just be honest, this girl makes more money than some of us have ever seen or will see. She is clearly a hustler and has even managed to get her own makeup line.
We know him as the man that represents Kibera but at the same time, he is also so loaded just through his music.