Friday, October 18, 2024

3 Subtle Signs an Employee Might Be Jumping Ship

3 Subtle Signs an Employee Might Be Jumping Ship

source: themuse 

While there are many telltale signs of an unhappy employee—absenteeism, tardiness, and negative attitude, just to name a few—here are a few more that aren’t so obvious. And, more importantly, what to do when you see them.

The Signs

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1. They’re Ultra Efficient
Your top performers are doing great work every day, which makes this sign one of the hardest to spot. But, it’s one you should really pay attention to. Great employees care about their work, and even if they’re choosing to take their talent elsewhere, chances are they want to leave on good terms. That means they’ll do whatever it takes to make a great impression, right before they go. Outstanding projects suddenly get done, loose ends are tied up, and issues are resolved. It may sound like a manager’s dream, but if you find yourself surprised with your employees’ performance, they might be on their way out.

2. They’re More Active on LinkedIn
I’m sure they’re out there, but I have yet to meet anyone who loves networking. That means most of us rely heavily on LinkedIn as a substitute for networking the old-fashioned way. (Thank you, LinkedIn!)
So, when you see an employee constantly on LinkedIn, it probably shouldn’t raise any red flags. However, a sudden uptick in new connections, groups joined, or articles shared could be an indication your employee is trying to boost his or her social profile—and find his or her next big thing.

3. They Have Great Teeth
While most managers know to watch out for a slew of suspicious “medical” appointments, most of us wouldn’t think twice about a legitimate appointment. When your employee starts addressing health concerns that were just on the back burner before—think: the employee who avoids the dentist starts getting her teeth cleaned and cavities filled—you might have an issue. Many employees try to make use of their benefits before leaving, even if they’ll have comparable benefits at their next job. New employees avoid taking time off for appointments when they start a new job, so a steady stream of legitimate appointments could mean a resignation is on the horizon.



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