Monday, February 3, 2025

4 signs you are in a major life crisis

Life’s harsh, and it has invented ways of letting you know that you’re doing everything wrong. I remember that time during my university years where I thought that once you have graduated, life would be a breeze and I would end up working in that multi-million company. I found myself thinking of how stupid I was to think that the world is based on typical imaginative story.

Unfortunately, it not, you probably know that by now. Regardless, if you’re reading this, your life’s journey is probably hidden in thick fog. You might not know which way you are heading.  So, let’s cut to the chase and let me point out the signs which tell that you are in a major life crisis:

1.Your priorities are in complete disarray

Even worse, you don’t have any clue what your priorities are. Once you graduate from college/university, it seems like you are in cloud nine, and after a few months in your first job, you don’t have any clue on how to get over the wall and into the next level.

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At this point, life will feel and seem aimless, considering you’ll have no idea how to level up. You’re likely to spend your nights watching late night sports games while sipping a glass of beer or eating popcorn.  Though your number one priority at this point is to reach financial stability and pay off student loans, you should look for avenues which can enable you to somehow upgrade your figure: seek a promotion or look for a more challenging job.

2.You are escaping from reality

You’ve realized that you are stuck in the pits, and you feel like everything sucks. You find ways to trying to escape reality. Examples of escape mediums include playing video games, watching TV shows which are remotely close to what you want your life to be. There are dangerous forms of escape mediums which involve destructive habits, such as drinking too much alcohol, or drugs.


Moreover, you’re also wishing something happens that will magically erase all of your problems. Some are fun, fantasy-fueled, and harmless, while others can be absolutely horrifying. Though you have to credit your imagination, all it can do is temporarily divert your attention elsewhere and waste your time. Your best course of action is to face reality head on with determination and perseverance.

3.Investing so much on your hobbies

Hobbies are fun and fulfilling, but they can also be destructive if you’re not being careful. A lot of people spend a lot of time and money on video games all without thinking of its effect. For instance, let’s say you’re a certified video game addict and you spend at least eight hours a day sitting in front of your console and hitting the buttons on your game controller. You’re not only sacrificing your overall health by remaining inactive, but also your social life .

It may be treated like  a place of refuge, but if unregulated, it will trap you in debts and isolation. It’s always best to keep the time and money you spend on them in moderation. However, its okay if you’ve successfully turned it into your profession like in the case of bloggers and photographers.

4.You haven’t saved enough

You have an unbelievable look in your eyes while sorting your pay slips and financial information. You’re surprised to know that you’ve earned a collectively huge amount of money in the previous years, but your savings account holds 50% of your monthly salary. It’s shocking, and you’re wondering where all your money went.

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Bear in mind that having fair amount as your savings account is a must. Consider you will need an emergency and contingency fund if something unfortunate arises.

If you are suffering from these ‘symptoms’ then you better do something about it because you might reach a point of no return.


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