Friday, July 26, 2024


Muthoni Njakwe: Cracking the Code: How to Master Social Media Algorithms and Boost Your Reach

Every single day, lots and lots of people share an incredible amount of content on social media. We're talking about billions of pieces of...

Valuable lessons from Kangema billionaires on how to grow wealth

Every county in Kenya arguably has something that defines it. For Murang’a County, it’s the place known as the cradle of the Agikuyu. The county...

Muthoni Njakwe: Product differentiation: How to sell effectively in a competitive marketplace

Why should your customers choose your product or services over the competitors? This is a crucial question for your business’s survival and growth. Today’s...

Muthoni Njakwe: Strategies Businesses Can Employ to Thrive in The Digital Age.

Consumer behaviour keeps evolving with technological advancements, significantly altering the Business world. As a result of the technological impact influencing consumer behaviour, most businesses are...

8 Highest Paying Online Businesses in Kenya in 2023

As the economic situation worsens, the necessity to have a job or source of additional income in Kenya has become a necessity. Luckily, the internet...



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