Thursday, March 6, 2025

5 car repairs you shouldn’t attempt yourself

Why take the risk when you can pass the baton to a professional who’s done it hundreds of times? If you don’t have prior experience with a spring compressor but want to forge ahead anyway, visit your experienced technician who can guide you through the process.

5. Ignition System Repair

Here’s a rule of thumb: if botching an unfamiliar repair means you won’t be able to start the car afterward, that’s a strong indication that you shouldn’t DIY. And you clearly won’t be starting the car without a functional ignition system. The risk of failure for this kind of job has actually increased with the advent of modern electronic ignition systems, because it’s no longer as simple as pulling a spark plug wire and looking for a spark. If you do that today, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with perhaps 50,000 volts of electricity, which isn’t something your doctor would approve of.

The simple fact is that electronic ignition repair lies beyond the abilities of most shade-tree mechanics—and if you start monkeying around with sensitive electrical components, you can easily cause additional damage. So if your engine isn’t running properly and you suspect a fault in the ignition system, we wouldn’t recommend any DIY remedies beyond maybe changing the spark plugs. Instead, take the car to a mechanic who’s equipped to evaluate your make and model, knowing that you’ll at least be going home with a specific diagnosis.


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