Monday, April 29, 2024

5 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy A New Car If You Are Under 30

(5)  Used Cars are Reliable

One issue that often concerns those who are seeking a new car is reliability. And while it’s true that a brand new car of any make or model is unlikely to break down in its first few years, it’s important that buyers choose a car with a high reliability rating, rather than just relying on a new car warranty.

Opt for a used car that’s rated as highly reliable, and invest some money to maintain it properly. According to Consumer Reports, when properly maintained, today’s vehicles should easily go well past 100,000 miles, and many could reach 200,000 miles without a major breakdown. When you consider how much you can save by buying used, you’ll come out ahead even if you have to make some repairs down the road.

Should I Buy a New Car?

Used cars get a bad rap, but they’re often the best value you can find in the automotive market. A lower price and decreased ownership expenses are just a few benefits of buying a used car. If you go with a late-model used car, you’ll get the look and feel of a new car for a whole lot less.

When you’re just getting started in your career and in life, that’s worth a lot. So take this bit of car buying advice: Choose a first car that will help you move forward, both literally and financially, not drag you down into debt and render you unable to fulfill your other financial obligations.

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