All entrepreneurs need a change of pace every now and then to spark creativity and help them escape their everyday lives. If you’re and entrepreneur, try these five small exercises weekly to challenge your daily routine and start working towards a better you.
1. Go to bed and wake up one hour earlier than normal
This week, go to bed an hour earlier than you normally do and wake up one hour earlier. Use this extra hour of morning time to read, make a coffee, and ease into your day. This simple change will make your whole day seem better. And, since you’re going to bed an hour earlier, you’re not missing out on any much needed sleep.
As the say “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
2. Avoid television(except news), and social media
When you get home at night, leave the tv off and unplug from all social media. Consider this a mental diet. Only put things into your mind that are good for it. Turn on some music. Read in the evening. You’ll find that this small change will also help you sleep better, too.
3. Research a new side project
Spend a least two hours researching a new side project that you could do for a little extra income for your business. Likely these two hours will turn into five or six if the subject really interests you. Doing this will help you to realize that you have options and are not stuck in your current path in life. This also will automatically improve your mood and self-confidence. You will realize that your current outlook is temporary and that greater, exciting things await for you in the future.
4. Avoid alcohol
If you normally have a few drinks after work to relax, take this week off. Even the smallest amount of alcohol degrades mental performance and comprehension, not to mention its negative effects on sleep. Try it for one week and see how much better you feel both mentally and physically. Your increased cognitive ability will help you to focus and get your creative juices flowing.
5. Meditate each day
Meditate for 20 minutes each day, in the morning, or evening or both. Do it in two 10 minutes sessions or one 20 minute chunk. There has been a ton of research to show the benefits of meditation, especially in business. Take time for this daily practice and it will help to clarify your thoughts, reduce stress, and increase creativity.
Use these small changes to see a quick boost in your creativity levels, or continue them long term for an overall increased level of life satisfaction and happiness.
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