Sunday, September 22, 2024

Supreme Court dismisses responses Cherera Team filed ‘on behalf of IEBC’

Supreme Court dismisses responses Cherera Team filed 'on behalf of IEBC'

The Supreme Court has dismissed responses four commissioners led by Juliana Cherera had filed purportedly under the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

In a ruling that was delivered on Tuesday, the Supreme Court ruled that all responses from the IEBC and legal representation for the IEBC would be led and done by former Attorney General Githu Muigai.

Professor Muigai is the lead lawyer for the IEBC. The court also ruled that the four commissioners would however be at liberty to retain the services of their individual lawyers, including senior counsel Paul Muite.

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Muite had presented himself in court and claimed that he was representing the IEBC through the four commissioners.

The ruling that recognized Professor Muigai as the electoral agency’s lawyer was delivered by Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu.



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