Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Grow your connections with speed networking events

Co-Op post

Networking can be scary experiences for majority of people sometimes even the most experienced. Approaching people at a networking event to talk about your business can become awkward and uncomfortable.

Having attended numerous networking events, I noticed three behaviors that not only waste people’s time at a networking event but also prevent them from maximizing the opportunity.

Behavior #1. As human beings we are drawn to what’s familiar so we stick to the friends and people we know rather than approaching new people.

Behavior #2. In open networking forums, some people will spend majority of their time on their phones while others at a corner or just at the snack bar.

Behavior #3. The purpose of networking events is to establish a contact/relationship and follow up later. This being said People tend to spend too much time talking to one contact preventing them to meet several other people that would benefit their business/career.

Speed Networking events organized by La Bonita Events assists in eliminating the above behaviors. Our events enable business owners and professionals to spend their time well, get highly targeted connections and gain knowledge to grow their businesses or careers.

Co-Op center

Speed Networking is a structured and fast paced networking event allowing you to interact with other like‐minded individuals, typically in a series of brief one on one information exchange.

This type of event can provide exposure to a lot of people in a short amount of time. It is a way to let others know who you are, what you do, what you are looking for, whether new customers or clients, business or sales leads or a new job or internship.

I invite you to come along to our events, to not only connect with other business owners and build the relationships that provide you with the support you need when you need it most, but also to gain valuable insight to improve, protect and grow your business.

To book or get a ticket from La Bonita Events Call +254722573003

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