Friday, September 20, 2024

Inside Donkey Business in Lamu Where Owners Make up to Sh 10,000 per Day

Inside Donkey Business in Lamu Where Owners Make up to Sh 10,000 per Day

Despite being one of the oldest towns in Kenya, Lamu County has, over the past decades, been defined by old modes of transport, among them donkey transport.

Unlike in other towns where residents shop and pack their goods in vehicles or boda boda, residents in some parts of Lamu County board donkeys and carts for their daily commute.

Donkeys in Lamu are, however, costly, and not everyone can afford them. According to reports, the donkeys are sold depending on their kind, color, and the duties to perform.

Co-Op post

A working donkey, for instance, costs between Sh 45,000 and 60,000, while those for entertainment are sold for up to Sh 120,000.

“We also have donkeys that are for entertainment, including those used for various competitions, including donkey races and pageants.

You can’t acquire such animals for less than Sh 80,000. Some are sold for as high as Sh 120,000,” said Yusuf Hussein, a donkey operator in Lamu.


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With Lamu Old Town being one of Kenya’s tourist destination areas, business people have heavily invested in the donkey business to collect the extra cash.

Ali Mohammed is one of the entrepreneurs who started this business ten years ago after failing to secure a white-collar job.

“I was frustrated after failing to secure a job. It reached a point where I gave up and started the donkey transportation business,’’ he said.

He revealed he started with two donkeys which he inherited from his father. On a single day, his two donkeys earned him between Sh 500 and Sh 1,500.

He realized he can make a good amount in this business, and with time he expanded the business to up to 15 donkeys which he uses to ferry cargo to different parts of Pamba Roho, where he is based.

Ali revealed his 15 donkeys earn him between Sh 3,000 and Sh 9,000 per day, adding that he is one of the most sought-after haulers in the region.

“Since I have made a name for myself in the industry, many clients always seek my donkey transportation services. One trip ferrying building blocks or bags of cement from Lamu town to Kashmir, for instance, costs not less than sh 600,’’

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“With my 15 donkeys, if all are hired at once, it means I earn Ksh 9,000 in a single trip or day. I have no plan to quit this venture,” he added.

Omar Kidege, who also runs the business with 6 donkeys, also acknowledged that the donkey business has helped him educate his children, adding that he makes not less than Sh 3,600 a day and up to Sh 100,000 in a good month.



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