Thursday, February 6, 2025

Kenyans send A- boy abandoned by dad Quincy Timberlake to Aeronautical college

Kenyans have contributed hundreds of thousands to send a bright boy who was abandoned by his father. The boy was abandoned by his dad Quincy Timberlake who left Kenya with his new wife, popular former KTN news anchor Esther Arunga.

The boy had scored a mean grade of A- (minus) in the KCSE exams. He had been a student at Chavakali High School.

He has now joined the Kenya Aeronautical Engineering College at Wilson Airport for a four-year Aeronautical Engineering course. This has been possible courtesy of popular lawyer Wahome Thuku who made the appeal to Kenyans on his Facebook platform.

Co-Op center

Mr. Thuku announced the good news of the boy joining college as follows:

“On Friday this week, he officially joined Kenya Aeronautical College at Wilsonn Airport for a 4 year Aeronautical Engineering course.


With him is his guardian Sally Njoki Ndwigah during orientation. We have spent close to Sh. 400,000 to get him to join the college. That will take him one year. We hope to put him through for two years then do another fundraiser. The last two years he will be in China.

I am almost in tears. Without you folks, this young man would never have even dreamt of getting there. Not even a dream.

Student who scored A (83) given 3 days to raise Sh. 207,000 for University fees

With all his brilliant brains he would have wasted always in the streets of Nairobi.  But no, we will get him to the end God willing. We will, because we can.

Co-Op post

Next I’m telling you how you have managed to get the daughter of Dorcas Mallei to Thika Technical College.  You raised Sh. 110,000 for her. She is now in college and settled. We will get her through with the help of God. We will because we can.”


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