Sunday, September 8, 2024

Khalwale demands Sh. 200 million from tycoon Cleophas Shimanyula Toto

Khalwale demands Sh. 200 million from tycoon Cleophas Shimanyula Toto

Kakamega Senator Dr. Boni Khalwale has demanded Sh. 200 million compensation from tycoon Cleophas Shimanyula Toto.

The Kakamega Senator has given Shimanyula Toto 48 hours to meet the demand. Khalwale has demanded the money as compensation over what he has termed as defamation by Toto.

“Today at the High Court of Kenya, we have given Cleophas Shimanyula Toto 48 hours, within which he should tender an apology for defamatory allegations against me and pay a compensation of Sh. 200 million. Failing which he will face a suit of Sh. 500 million in the High Court,” said Khalwale on February 7, 2024.

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He accuses Toto of defaming him with the controversial comments he made following the death of Khalwale’s Kizito Moi. Kizito was killed by a bull owned by Khalwale on Sunday, January 28.

However, Shimanyula Toto alleged that he was not gored to death by the bull. He claimed that he was stabbed to death. These allegations were ruled out by two separate autopsies, including one that was conducted by government pathologist Dr. Johansen Oduor.

“Looking at injuries, they were penetrating and had some features that included some blue bruising around them, and to look at them closely, they look like injuries that were caused by something that was penetrating but not very sharp and was a bit blunt, which is in keeping with the horn of an animal,” Oduor had said after conducting the second autopsy.

“From all these findings, we can conclude that indeed the initial autopsy was correct and it was caused by an animal rather than something that has stabbed the person like what was being alleged that it was a knife or something like that.”

Police from the Homicide Unit at DCI headquarters, Senator Khalwale, and Kizito’s family members were present during the autopsy.

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