Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How to start a photography business in Kenya

By Natasha Gamalie

How to start a photography business in Kenya

Photography can be a fulfilling job, but it can also be tough because it requires both technical skills and creativity.

However, with the right approach, you can build a successful photography business.

The most important elements include marketing, managing clients, and planning of finances.

Co-Op post

This article provides step-by-step guidelines for starting your photography business in Kenya and explores a breakdown of associated costs.

Research the market

Know what photography services are in demand in your area. Determine your target audience: weddings, events, corporate and check out the competition. Look for gaps in the market you can fill, which will help to find your niche and stand out.

Write down a business plan

A business plan is important because it says how one intends to operate and run the business. In the case of photography, aspects to include are market analysis, goals, target audience, pricing, and financial projections.


This document will be a guideline for your decisions and, if needed, a way to present yourself to funders.

Register Your Business

Pick a business name and get it registered with the relevant authorities. This will mean, in Kenya, the Registrar of Companies’ registration, as well as the Business Permit from the local county government.

Set Up Your Finances

Starting a photography business requires good planning in terms of finances. You can finance through loans, investors, or even from your pocket. Just make sure you set aside some kind of emergency money for other expenses.

Buy the Right Photography Equipment

Investing in quality photography equipment is very important. Research and choose the right camera, lenses, computer, and accessories based on the type of photography you plan to do.

Build a portfolio

Build a website and social media profiles where you will display your best work so that you’re building your portfolio while getting noticed by possible clients.

Sell Your Services

Advertise your services both online and offline. Network on social media, run campaigns and work with influencers if needed to bring in more clients.

How to start a wedding photography business in Kenya

Legal and Tax Considerations

Ensure you understand your local taxation regime. Be sure to obtain a PIN from KRA. File returns regularly and be keen on labour laws, especially if you have hired people.


Ensure that you insure your photo studio against loss through such eventualities as fires, floods, and theft. Research and choose an insurance plan that will cover all your equipment and compensation if there is a need for it.


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