By Bizna Brand Analyst
Having a business partner helps in decision making. But sometimes your business partner,might not have your best interests at heart?But how do you know? Here is how.
1. They take too long to communicate.
When a partner or takes a long time to respond to your calls or emails, thjey might be double-dealing you. A lack of responsiveness means that they are either too busy with something eles and they don’t care about your business or they don’t have their act together.
2. You have a feeling something is wrong
It’s easy to overlook something so small as what your instincts tell you. But if you look back at many of the past deals that didn’t pan out, I’d venture to guess that if you really thought about it, your gut was telling you it was heading in this direction. It’s not everyone’s style, but listening to your instincts is a powerful tool in knowing when someone is playing you.
3. You get inconsistent information
When a story or terms change after the first communication, it’s a strong signal that you should walk away and not waste more time pursuing the partnership. because things will definitely keep changing, Forget a three-strikes policy. With me, it’s one strike and you’re out. There are plenty of potential partners. Don’t waste your time with ones who aren’t 100 percent honest and upfront from the beginning.
4. They rarely talk about the money.
The most successful partnerships have a well-thought-out, executable way tohandle the money. But if your partner wants conversations to circle around product ideas or general concepts, but once it comes down to the shilllings , they want to avoid the topic, that’s a red flag.
5. They bait and switch
You have had a great conversation and feel things are going well. You ask to have the other person write everything that was agreed upon and send it to you for further mutual discussion. When this person sends you over the written details of the conversation, it looks nothing like what was agreed on. This means one of two things: a bad listener, or untrustworthy person. Neither are good options.
6. They don’t have any questions or concerns
When quality business leaders look at a deal and like what they see, they pull out a microscope and look for blind-spots that may negatively impact their business. Sometimes they mull it over and follow up with questions later, but such due diligence is expected of anyone worthy of partnering with. The only type of deal that doesn’t raise questions or concerns is a dishonest one.
7. They have conned someone else before.
If you find out your partner has conned someone else before, you should be very weary. Once a conman, always a conman.