In 2016 when I was offered the role of a salesman for one of the banks around town, I was hesitant to take on the role because I had earlier in my career served in higher positions and thought Sales was a step down. True it was on salary basis, but I soon realised it was a step up in my personal growth when I realised the importance of the skills it would teach me. I realised that no matter what other field I would move to, even if it were opening my own business, I would need to make sales and therefore needed to learn a few tips to make me a better salesman. Â I changed my attitude towards the job and decided to give my best with the help of a few tips from books and people I interacted with and my results changed tremendously making me one of the top performing sales personnel in the bank at that time. Â I believe that the same tips that helped me at that job are the same skills any other salesman would need to succeed in another field; below are some of the tips to help you become a better salesman;
- Have a positive attitude. Before taking on a sales-job or doing sales for your business, develop a positive attitude. Believe that you can sell and people want to buy what you are selling. A positive attitude impacts on your subconscious and begins to attract people interested in your product or service. A positive attitude also keeps you moving in the face of unsuccessful sales attempts which are bound to happen many times.
- Know your product. The second most important tip is knowing the product you are selling very well such that when prospective customers ask any questions, you are able to answer them satisfactorily. Also have as much knowledge as you can about the organization you are working with if it is not your own business.
- Focus on the value preposition. People are not interested in your products; they are only interested in the value it may offer them. When selling focus on telling the prospective customer the benefits they would derive if they purchased your product. Also let them know of any additional benefits that may accrue to them.
- Know your target market. Research about their tastes, preferences and also factors that influence their buying patterns. This helps you to choose the best means to sell to them.
- Use the simplest language to explain the product. Avoid complex explanations that will leave your prospective client with no idea of what you are talking about. Use simple diction and a language that is best understood by the prospective client.
- Utilize your existing clients to help you generate leads. In my time as a salesman, I greatly benefited from leads I generated from existing customers. I was able to generate them by offering exceptional customer service which made them wish the same for their colleagues and trust me there is no better salesman than a satisfied customer. When you succeed with a lead, give them the best service you can and in the end you could benefit more sales.
- Presentation is your first selling point. It is said that people decide whether they will buy or not in the first minute of meeting you, so put on the best presentation you can both in appearance and character. Dress well and express interest and excitement when you are selling to make the prospective client curious to know your product.
- Use humor to ease the tension. Funny stories make the client more relaxed and receptive to your message so employ them whenever you can.
- Pay close attention and listen to the prospective client. Most people yearn to be listened to and understood more than anything else in this world. When you demonstrate that you care about what they are saying, prospective clients also become more likely to listen to your offer.
- Refrain from very long speeches. They bore out the client and by the time you are done talking, they cannot even decide to buy because they are not paying attention anymore. It also saves you a lot time on your side.