Saturday, March 29, 2025

8 Ways to Step Up Your Game at Work Today

Florian wanted to up his game. His recent review went fine. But he wasn’t getting noticed by the higher-ups. Jeff had the opposite problem. His evaluator said he took up too much air time at meetings, concluding with a pointed jab: “you know, Jeff, every time things go wrong, I look around and find you with your hand in the cookie jar.”

Where Florian needed to step up, Jeff needed to step back. But how?

Whether we’re establishing new work habits or just trying to waste less time surfing the internet, change is hard. We like to do what we’ve always done. It’s easy. Familiar. There’s a reason we call what we already know our “comfort zone.” It’s cozy in there.

Co-Op post

Of course, for the very same reason, we don’t call it the “breakthrough zone.”

So, what can you do to take yourself to the next level? How can you perform better tomorrow than you do today?


Here are key ways to up your game:

1. Find Your Starting Line

Real change starts with knowing where you are right now, as well as where you want to go. Only then can you chart a course from point A to point B. Most of us skip right over the part where we discover what’s happening now. We want things to change, so we set goals. We tell ourselves that when we reach them, everything will be better. Dreamy. Perfect.

Never mind that you’ve never volunteered for a project before in your life. Starting today you will raise your hand for any opportunity that comes across your desk. Come to think of it, why stop there? Maybe something fantastic is hiding nearby, maybe under the desk? You’ll look anywhere and everywhere for ways to stretch yourself.

Trouble is, there’s an explanation for why you’re not volunteering now (nor for the previous decade). You have your reasons. And little is likely to change until you figure out what they are. Before you race off toward the finish line, put in the effort to understand what drives you to make the choices you do now.

2. Think Like an Entrepreneur

Most great entrepreneurs are problem solvers by nature, meaning they’re always coming up with new ways to overcome unexpected hurdles. This is an invaluable mindset that I wish more employees possessed. I’ll always favor an employee who tries to solve a problem him or herself—even if it leads to a mistake—over one who is constantly taking me or taking someone else off task to ask for advice.

— Brittany Hodak , ZinePak

3. Invest in Yourself

Learning and growth shouldn’t be a factor of the job they’re doing, rather it should be an investment of time in learning over and above what they get in a job. Spend the time to acquire a new skill or improve one within the same industry. There’s just so much to gain from peers and experts—keep learning and growing and this in turn will reflect work and career growth.

— Rahul Varshneya , Arkenea LLC

4. Stop being half-assed

Always do what you say you are going to do. If you are procrastinating, you either don’t really want it or don’t believe you deserve to have it. Are you late? Sloppy? Unprepared? Making excuses?

Step your game up. Make the commitment to go for it. Success doesn’t happen in a day. Create a plan and make it happen. If you need more knowledge, get it. Rock what you’re doing so that you are irreplaceable. Instead of talking about it, be about it.

5. Cultivate a courageous attitude of success

You are the only one who can decide your worth. Yes, of course you have fears. You are human. Most of us fear success or failure. This is no excuse to continue in a state of mediocrity.

If you are at a company or have clients that you feel don’t know your worth, realize that you chose them. You created the situation you’re in. See yourself as a winner and a victor, rather than a victim.

If you need to create an exit plan, do so. Meanwhile, treat your current situation as if it is the best gift on earth. Approach it with gratitude. Expect things to work out for you. You want to be aligned with things working out for the best.

6. Read More

Dollar for dollar, books are the best value money can buy. Best of all, that knowledge can be passed on and shared once you’re done with it. If my team doubled the amount of books they read, I’d be ecstatic. It doesn’t matter if the books are non-fiction or romance novels, as long as they are expanding their outlooks and enriching their minds.

— Danny Wong , Grapevine

7. Speak up for yourself.

Speaking up for yourself doesn’t mean being nasty or defensive. Speaking from a place of “why me” or “I never win” is coming from a place of victim-hood. Whenever you are standing in your victim-hood, you are not standing in your power.

Know that no one can take from you what they didn’t give you. What I mean by this is that no one can take your worth from you. A queen is dignified, gracious, and knows that she wears the crown.

Be clear in your yeses and never be afraid to say no. Whether you’re asking for a raise, new title, be decisive, clear, and bold.

8. Believe that success is a choice.

So is fear. Have a success mindset. Make choices based on the outcome you want.

If you want to be an executive, dress and carry yourself like an executive now. Act as if you are right now the person you want to be. This is different from a “fake it til you make it” mentality. instead, act as if.


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