Monday, April 29, 2024

How Organizational Culture Affects Performance of Employees

As organizations strive to find ways and means to improve the performance of the firm as well as boost employee engagement, it becomes even more imperative that they pay closer attention to the culture that permeates their organization. Of great importance to note is the reality that employers can largely influence the culture of their organizations.

This is so true in both large and small enterprises. It proves exceptional to note this before one embarks on establishing a business so that one can pay key attention to certain aspects to impact a firm’s culture right from the start.

Showing staff support during these tricky times 

The ambience at work contributes hugely to the culture of any given firm. It exceedingly impacts the productivity of employees and ultimately their morale at the workplace. An energizing ambience will in turn advance motivation and commitment. Office space occupied by staff where they spend forty hours a week to drive the corporate agenda forward immensely advances the culture of any given firm.

The configuration of tasks and the existence of flexible working options span a huge stretch in influencing employee attitudes and behaviour and eventually the company’s grounding. The values that the establishment holds dear also influence the way of life of the personnel.

A firm that encourages shared learning and the passing of both tacit and explicit knowledge positions itself at an advantage. This ought to be preceded by a low power distance. An employer who is open without reserve to employees’ new ideas and thoughts and is willing to try them out fundamentally raises the bar for employees to be creative, ingenious and this grounding spurs innovation within the firm thereby boosting a culture of entrepreneurship as opposed to “robot” employees, who show up at work, do what is required of them and then leave for home. This open-mindedness is indispensable notably for firms operating in this in this era of the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.

Autonomy when balanced with accountability provokes creativity and innovation amongst employees. A shared workspace, as opposed to offices and cubicles, promotes banter which improves cohesion among the staff and this contributes to the culture of an organization.

During recruitment and selection, important information may be passed on to the new potential hires and give them a glimpse of what environment they are looking into getting at. The human resource may want to be intentional in the knowledge they pass to potential hires with regard to their culture. Induction should also provide clues on the prevailing way of life in an organization.

How the organization communicates within itself is also a factor. Firms that have a regular schedule, for instance, Monday meetings end up having a tighter bond. Communication between the hierarchies is primarily key. A lot more emphasis could be laid on interpersonal communication save for critical data that ought to be shared in writing. Managers must be careful when administering performance reviews so as not to diminish the morale of autonomous teams.

Lastly, of great concern would also be the shared spaces in an organization, this includes the water dispenser area, the lounge or the eating area. These places call for an atmosphere that builds up loosening, refreshment and relaxation. Managers can intentionally the culture they want to infiltrate the organization.

By Steve Muriithi.

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