Thursday, May 2, 2024

How Business Champions Overcome Adversity: 5 Powerful Steps

Starting and running a business can be extremely challenging. Most entrepreneurs and managers find new obstacles to remove and towering barriers to scale every day of the week. We often encounter disruptive situations in our personal and professional lives such as a divorce, the death of a loved one, illness, the loss of a favorite customer, the departure of a valued employee, a shortage of funds, or even a lawsuit.

Successful business leaders – or people in general – don’t give up when adversity strikes. They find the ways and means to carry on. What can we learn from those who have faced catastrophe and won?

1. They remember the overarching goal they hope to achieve.

It’s the magnet that propels them forward. They recognize that the benefits of accomplishing the objective dramatically outweigh whatever negative situations they encounter.

2. They seek assistance from others.

Wise entrepreneurs know they can’t win the battle alone. When times are tough, they reach out to friends and associates who can provide assistance and guidance; people who are genuine and highly supportive.

3. They maintain a positive attitude.

They keep their chins up. They choose not to let negative thoughts rule the day. They view the future with optimism and hope.

4. They keep their composure.

They don’t panic. They take a deep breath and remain calm. They know that night will be followed by day; a new day of opportunity.

5. They try again and again.

They get right back on the horse that threw them. They don’t quit. They consider the lessons learned and make the necessary improvements to ride one more time.


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