Sunday, April 28, 2024

7 Keys to Success from Jack Ma, Self-Made Billionaire and CEO of Alibaba

Billionaire Jack Ma is a humble man. He wanted to share the key to success for those who want to be successful like him. In an interactive talk show in Korea, Jack Ma gave some advice on how we should live every phase of life at every level of our age, so as not to be wasted. This advice especially devoted to young people in different countries, because young people can be optimized their potential skills and the search for the true identity so as not misdirected. Here’s some advice from Jack Ma:

(1) Before the age of 20 years, be a good student.

If you really want to be an entrepreneur, learn a little. If you learn entrepreneurship, do a lot of mistakes. Do not worry, if you failed, rise again. If it failed again, rise again. Enjoy it all.

(2) Before the age of 30 years, follow a person.

Work in an institution or company. Typically, if working in a large company, you will learn about the process and understand how a large machine works and you are part of the machine. If working in a small company, learn about the spirit and ideals and how it was built. To support and make it, you will learn how to do many things at the same time. Before the age of 30 years, instead of at the company where you work, but to whom you learn. “It is not which company you go, but which boss you follow. Because, a good boss teach you differently.”

(3) At the age of 30-40 years, work for yourself, if you really want to become an entrepreneur.
(4) At the age of 40-50 years, you have to focus on all the things that you’re already controlled. Do not try to look for a new interest or a new job, because you may indeed be successful but don’t have much time.

(6) At your age 50-60 years, work for young people, because they can do things better than you can. Then Depend on them, invest in young people, make sure they are doing the best thing for you.

7) At your age above 60 years, spend time for yourself. Enjoy it all, have fun.

In the same talk show, a young man asked Jack Ma of thing he regretted in his life, “After all the success obtained, what you most regret?” Asked the young man.

“Not much that I regret, but a matter of time and privacy. I regret because I worked too hard so that I could only spend a little time with my family.”


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