Safaricom Ltd (NSE: SCOM) has been ranked as the fastest mobile network compared to its competitors in the telecommunication sector.
“Safaricom achieved a Speed Score of 19.80 providing faster average speeds to their users than the other major providers in Kenya with average download speeds of 21.25 Mbps and average upload speeds of 9.67 Mbps on LTE-capable devices,” according to the latest Q2-Q3 2017 from Ookla, the company behind the widely used Speedtest app.
Orange came second with average download speeds of 15.93 Mbps and average upload speeds of 7.83 Mbps and Airtel 9.29 Mbps and 2.55 Mbps respectively.
According to Safaricom Annual report and financial statements 2017, the telco has 28 million customers translating to 71.9 percent market share. 25 percent are on 4G, 85 percent 3G, 95 percent 2G translating to 77 percent brand power score.
“To maintain an edge in our business, we invested Ksh 38 billion on improving network coverage, capacity and quality of our network. This included Ksh 2.5 billion to acquire 10Mhz of LTE spectrum and the record rollout of more than 500 new sites,” Sateesh Kamath, Chief Finance Officer.
In June this year, Telkom Kenya rebranded with ksh 25 billion investment network and infrastructure expansion as it launched its 4G/LTE network across 29 towns in Kenya.
“Our aim is to provide the highest quality network with the most competitive data bundles to power a moving Kenyan,” noted Aldo Mareuse, Telkom Kenya Chief Executive Officer.
Airtel since January has continued expansion of its network coverage to ensure consistent delivery of quality and value for money services to its customers.