Monday, May 6, 2024

3 easy ways a startup can compete with a big company

Most profitable and influential  companies in the country continue to welcome success and growth year-after-year. A big company accumulates more market share and generates billions in revenue.

But does this mean that the “big boys” always crush new startups as soon as they start “making some noise”? The truth is that it happens and these are 3 easy ways to cope up with them

1.Move aside when they invade.

If a massive company “invades” the market in which your startup operates then you shouldn’t attempt to go toe-to-toe with such a giant business. In most cases a small company that tries to directly compete with a mammoth venture loses.

As a smaller startup, the smart thing to do when a major competitor enters your niche is to work hard. In addition,discover an appropriate small niche which you can switch the focus of your company. In this case, the assumption would be that your company is capable of operating within a specific niche. This will be free from the influence and operations of a big company.

Therefore ,this would involve seeking out an adjacent area of your niche. This will enable you  to continue pursuing your fundamental objectives while intelligently correcting course in response to market developments.

2.Offer unparalleled customer service

If you’re running a startup that all-of-a-sudden might have to start competing with the giant companies, then you absolutely must commit to delivering world-class customer service to each and every one of your clients.

Extremely big businesses often struggle to provide their customers with the same kind of intimate relationships. These relationships can be, one-on-one which  smaller companies can deliver very well. They are; acting politely, courteously, and responding quickly to user requests for assistance. Something that big businesses struggle to understand.

3.Strategically partner with the invaders

Oddly enough, sometimes the most effective play a startup can make when a giant business starts working in its niche is to partner with that dominant business.

Although the appropriateness of this approach will depend on a case-by-case basis, it can sometimes help a startup company not only avoid being “swallowed up” by a mammoth player but also acquire new business and an enhanced reputation.

As a startup you will always tend to panic when big companies invade your niche but with these ways, you will easily be able to counter it.

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