Tuesday, May 7, 2024

4 Things Older People Wish They Knew In Their Twenties

In your early twenties, it’s realistic to think that you have 10 years of freedom to pursue your goals before ‘settling down’, getting a real job, buying a house and starting a family. With these stats in mind, it’s obvious that your twenties are a unique time in your life. This is because you want to see the world, study for 10 years or to start your own business

It is not impossible to pursue your goals after past you 20s birthday. It just gets harder. There are more external factors that influence both your time and your decisions.When older people reflect on their twenties,they spent their first half of it failing university and having an incredible time at college. Here are the things they wished they knew before reaching their twenties.

1. You will never have more free time in your life

Apart from study and work that may take up to 8 hours a day, the rest of your time is yours to do as you please. No children, maybe no partner, your time is there for the taking. Having this much time means that it is incredibly important to use it wisely. It’s also incredibly easy to waste. Determine what you truly want, and employ your time in pursuit of that cause. With your goal in mind, use your time with purpose. If time is your most valuable asset, then your twenties isn’t a time to waste it.

2. It’s your chance to be selfish.

Based on the stats, you likely won’t have a mortgage or children. Having a mortgage instantly means that the financial noose is tightened. You have repayments due whether you like it or not. Having children means that your time and focus shifts to their well-being. When you have no real commitments, aside from maybe a job or study, you are free to explore other endeavors. Now is the time to chase your goals with a level of energy and commitment you never knew existed. You are in total control of your life. You answer only to yourself. It’s your chance to be selfish and pursue your goals with pure single-mindedness. Embrace it and chase it!

3. You can work harder than you ever have.

Most goals require time and effort. Using time effectively and applying effort requires discipline. When you combine discipline with free time, magic happens. Instead of wasting time, maximise it.In your early twenties, commitments are minimal and time is there to use. This gives you the platform to work harder than you ever have in your young life. If your goal is to gain a promotion, work longer, harder and with more focus,and if it is to start a business, dedicate yourself to it. If your goal is to travel, determine how you can work hard to fund it. Turn off the TV and get it done.

4. You can decide what you want to do.

When you’re at school, your parents, the government and the education system generally decide what you do each day. Once you’re on your own in your twenties, out in the world, the decisions are yours. This tremendous freedom can be a blessing and a curse. Without direction and goals, it is easy to switch on autopilot. It is incredibly important to reflect on what you are doing. It’s easy to simply go through the motions. Goals are merely dreams. You begin thinking ‘I wish’ instead of ‘I am’.

Too often, we drift through life doing things that are ingrained in us, that we think are expected of us, or that we have always done. You need to become critical of your life. Ask ‘why’, and ensure the answer aligns with your true self. After all, you’re the one living your life- not your parents, friends, bosses, co-workers, relatives or strangers. It’s incredibly liberating working towards your goals. Not someone else’s.

It’s up to you to live the life you want to lead.

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