The finer details of finance have to be handled by a team of experts who are competent and reliable. Banks have diversified their products from loans, deposits and insurance to financial instruments like a certificate of deposit, treasury bills and bonds just to mention but a few to cater for the expanding market base in dire need of these financial products. According to Investopedia, an investment bank is a financial intermediary that performs a variety of services. Investment banks specialize in large and complex financial transactions, such as underwriting, acting as an intermediary between a securities issuer and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, and acting as a broker and financial advisor for institutional clients. This entails underwriting of securities, asset, and wealth management and helps to make Initial Public Offers(IPO) to companies. Here are some of the top performing investment banks in Kenya and their contacts.
1.African Alliance
Contact Address: 4th floor Kenya Re Towers Upper Hill OFF Ragati
Road P.O Box 27639, 00506
Phone: +254 20 2777 000
Fax: +254 20 271 0247
Email: [email protected]
2.Francis Drummond and Company
Contact Address: Hughes Building, 2nd floor,
P.O Box 45465 00100
Tel: 318690/318689
Fax: 2223061
Email: [email protected]
3.Kenya Association of Stockbrokers and Investment Banks
Contact Physical Address: City Hse, 6th Flr, Wabera St
P.O.Box: 43593 – 00100 Nairobi GPO
Email: [email protected]
4.Suntra Investments Limited
Contact Address: Nation Centre, 7th floor,
P.O Box 74016-00200
Tel: 2870000/247530/2223330/2211846/0724-257024, 0733-222216
Fax: 2224327
Email: [email protected]
5.SBG Securities by CFC Stanbic
Contact Address: CFC Stanbic Centre 2nd floor, Westlands Road
Phone: +254 20 363 8080
Email: [email protected]
6.Sterling Capital Limited
Contact Address: Barclays Plaza, 11th floor, Loita Street,
P.O Box 45080- 00100
Tel: 2213914/244077/0723153219/0734219146
Fax: 2218261
Email: [email protected] Website:
Contact Address: Kestrel Capital (East Africa) Ltd Orbit Place, 2nd floor Westlands Road
P.O Box 40005- 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: 254(0) 722205897, 254(0) 733333544
Email: [email protected] Website:
8.Dyer and Blair Investment Bank
Address: 7th floor, Goodman Tower, off Waiyaki Way Nairobi,
P.O- 45396-00100 Phone: +254(709) 930 000
Email: [email protected] Website:
9.SBG Securities Limited
Contact Address: CFC Stanbic Centre, 58 Westlands Road,
P.O Box 47198-0010
Tel: 3638900 Fax: 3752950
Email: [email protected] Website:
10.Genghis Capital
Contact Address: 1st floor,Purshottam Place, Westlands Road, Nairobi
Phone: +254 730 145 000/ +254 709 185 000
Emails: [email protected] Website: