Birth Certificate Application: Applying for a birth certificate in Kenya is proving to be a headache. many people do not know what is required of the or how to go about the process. Below is a breakdown on how to apply for a birth certificate in Kenya.
What You’ll Need:
- The original and a copy of the birth notification – This is the pink slip that you get from the hospital where the child was delivered.
- A copy of the father’s ID
- A copy of the Mothers ID
Procedure of Applying for a Birth Certificate in Kenya
- Visit your district registrar of births and deaths’ Office and you’ll be given a form to fill. You can use the names in the birth notification or you can choose a different name for your child. Changing the name will cost you a few extra shillings.
- Attach this form with the copies of the IDs and the birth notifications.
- The information you’ve given is then verified and you are sent to the cash register to make the payment
- You only pay 50 shillings to apply for a certificate without amendment. You pay 90 if the name of the parent needs to be corrected, 130 if you need to correct both the names of the parent and the name of the child. Re-registration will cost you 90 shillings, and if you are registering late (later than 9 months after birth) you only pay 150 shillings.
- You’ll be given a receipt which you’ll use to collect the birth certificate.
- Have copies of both parent’s national identity cards.If the parents are dead one should present a copy of the death certificate.
How to apply for a Birth Certificate in Kenya without Birth Notification
If you do not have a birth notification (In cases where the child is born at home or late registration) you need to start the process at the local sub-chief’s office. He will provide you with the necessary documentation.
If you’re in Nairobi…
If you are in Nairobi, the national government immigration and registration of person’s offices are located in Upper Hill Bishop Road. Get number 7C buses at KenCom and alight at community. The offices are just opposite NSSF building.
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