Saturday, October 19, 2024

Ndindi Nyoro: KQ is an example of corporate mediocrity

Ndindi Nyoro: KQ is an example of corporate mediocrity

Kenya Airways (KQ) will be announcing their end of year results soon. With the release of these financial results, the country will be hit by the fact that we no longer have a National carrier but a National Example of mismanagement and corporate failure.

KQ is expected to make a loss big enough to construct and complete a new dual carriage from Nairobi to Nakuru. This means anything between Ksh. 14 billion to Ksh. 20 billion.

For starters, the decision by KQ board to hire a CEO from inside after Titus Naikuni’s exit was one of the biggest blunders in corporate Kenya!! The government must take a decisive role in KQ since it will be the last straw the company will rely on for a bail out.

Co-Op post

Still on this, I don’t get it why many of Kenya’s corporate CEO don’t know when to quit. Naikuni ought to have left KQ long ago than he did. Currently, Jonathan Ciano of Uchumi has done well for the supermarket and will be judged fairly by history… but only if he leaves now!

Linus Gitahi of Nation Media Group has set a trend that should be followed; giving another perspective to a business always serves well. Take Tim Cook. He has grown Apple into a bigger and better company from where the legendary Steve Jobs left.

Just like Bob Collymore after Michael Jospeh. We should therefore refrain from the deceitful obsession that ‘we’ are the only people who can lead these companies. We must know when to go to other things and give fresh minds a chance to take companies to the next level.



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