Monday, March 10, 2025

Abel Ndiga: Visually impaired farmer reaping from 464 hass avocado trees

Abel Ndiga, a visually impaired farmer from Kiamurunga in Kirinyaga county has defied odds to become one of the successful  farmers in the region.

In an interview with KNA, Ndiga revealed he started as a dairy farmer but shifted to avocado farming after realising dairy farming was so demanding.

“Before I started avocado farming, I was in dairy cow farming. It was a good business, but it required more of my time, and being blind was a challenge for me despite other challenges in the business,” he said.

Co-Op post

The farmer who started with only 30 trees now has 464 trees of Hass avocado on his 2.8 hectares’ piece of land.

“Avocado business is one of the most profitable since you get paid on the farm. It also requires less time and manpower and can be practiced by anyone as long as you have the best tree. I started with 30 trees, sourced from Nyeri back in 2016, and now I have 464 Hass trees over time,” he explained.


From the 464 trees, he produces 14 tonnes annually, with a kilo of the fruits selling for Sh. 80.

He credits his success to support from the government and private firms which have helped him secure market for his produce.

“For many years, avocado farming has never been practiced as a business, but through new market increases and training we get from agrochemical companies where we get chemicals, we are able to increase production and get into avocado farming with confidence of getting a good profit,” he said.


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