Sunday, March 9, 2025

How to accumulate wealth

Ndindi Nyoro: Many of us, especially the younger generation hang around some myth; that getting richer is a destination that happens somehow as we ride the voyage of life. Interestingly though, some of us are in a walk, not a voyage. We imagine that those with considerable wealth, ‘somehow’ got there. Nothing is further from the truth.

Wealth creation is a combination of strategy, discipline and consistency. It just doesn’t happen. You plan for it and stic to the plan.

I’ll repeat something I’ve put across here before. That whether our calling is in business or in a corporate set up as employees, we MUST adopt a culture of saving. Not for savings sake only, but for investment… And a plan of ‘How lone we want to remain in the same position’. Doing the same business or working in the same place and position.

Co-Op post

These riches things don’t just happen! Of course, it is easier updated here than done. Whatever your current income, set aside some percentage. I repeat, set aside some percentage. Then evaluate all investment options available and go for the few that require the least work but give the most gain. This again will not just happen!

You have to literally get down to business and evaluate the options available objectively. Figure out this. Imagine you are a nursery school kid, and someone makes the following proposal:


If you wait for four hours, I will give you five biscuits but if you can’t wait, I’ll give you one biscuit right now!

What would you choose? Somehow, even in wealth creation, we remain in the nursery school. Always one biscuit NOW over five biscuits LATER! We choose impulse over restraint, desire over self-control, gratification over delay. Results are that we remain with one biscuit in the mouth while losing four to our impatience.

Bottom line: if you want to be wealthy or rich, it starts now; consciously and sacrificially… And there is no better way to start than with this October’s salary!!!




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