Alice Kamau is a young businesswoman located in the Kimbo area of Ruiru. She is the owner of a porridge vending business, which she started due to her love for porridge.
Before establishing her business, she spotted a market gap in the area concering the lack of quality porridge. This inspired her to venture into the field, despite initially considering opening a small hotel.
With a capital of Sh. 50,000, covering rent and stock, Alice launched her enterprise. She leveraged her social media platforms, particularly TikTok, to promote her business.
“My business started slowly initially, but I hinged on online marketing, especially TikTok and word of mouth, to grow my customer base,” she spoke to a local media correspondent.
Alice’s business has now grown to employ two people who assist in its daily operations. She estimates to be making an average of Sh. 10,000 per day. Her monthly profits are well into the six-figure range, around Sh. 128,000.
“After paying employees, I have around Sh. 150,000. Rent and power cost me around Sh. 22,000 monthly,” she said.
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Alice’s business has become popular in the area, and a key selling point is the energizing effects of her porridge. Clients swear by its potency. The main ingredients for her powerful porridge include arrowroots, cassava, honey, and milk.
“I blend arrow roots, cassava, honey and milk. The most potent ingredient is groundnuts,” she said.
The young woman has drawn several lessons from the business. She says that it is not all about profits but more inclined towards consistency and customer service.
“You must be self-driven. Not everyone will like how you are doing things but set your mind and just stick to how you are doing them. Also, I have learned to be consistent with my business, financial discipline and customer service.”
Her dream is to open more porridge vending outlets within Nairobi and the country. She empowers young people interested in the business by offering training.
“I offer training on how to make uji power and fruit juices. I encourage youths to start with the little they have to make money to open bigger places,” she concluded.