Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bizna Team

2030 POSTS

Exclusive articles:

3 Tips on How to Bring Out the Best in Your New Hires

Here are four tips to help bring out your new hires’ best qualities from day one, using the right on boarding and social learning experiences: Provide...

Gandhi’s 1940 letter to Adolf Hitler

Mohandas Gandhi, frequently known by the honorific Mahatma (meaning "great soul"), was famous for advocating civil disobedience and nonviolence to achieve his goals. Starting in...

4 things you should never do in an interview

Once you've landed a job interview, you have one shot to wow the hiring manager. To do this, there are a few things you...

Truths About Failure Every Entrepreneur Should Embrace

Accepting fear is not easy, and indeed it can be a significant obstacle for many when considering the pursuit of new and unfamiliar opportunities. With...

The Best Employee Motivators

This article was first published at themuse We’ve all heard money can’t buy happiness—and it can’t buy total job satisfaction, either. If you want fulfilled...


Are mobile loans sinking people into financial ruins, more debt? Kenyans react

Loan applications and disbursements are a marvel of the...

Government announces new fees for Kenyans seeking jobs abroad

Labour and Social Protection Cabinet Secretary Dr. Alfred Mutua...

Woman who scored B in 2010 KCSE proudly enrolls to college after 14 years

Fourteen years after succesffuly completing her 2010 KCSE exams,...

UN Special Envoy urges stronger regional collaboration on climate security in the Horn of Africa

United Nations Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa,...
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