Sunday, March 9, 2025

Hilarious characterization of banks in Kenya leave Kenyans in stitches

Banks in Kenya: BY Hashnunish Sultan: The following meme characterization is on a light note.

KCB Group Are those bullies in classrooms who sit huko back bench.

Hilarious characterization of banks in Kenya leave Kenyans in stitches

Co-Op post

Co-op Bank Kenya are those who sit in the middle of the classroom and turn around to show KCB the middle finger.

Hilarious characterization of banks in Kenya leave Kenyans in stitches


CBA Group are the chopis (smart ass) who sit at the front minding their own business, raising their hands and answering questions that the teacher hasn’t even asked yet. If you try to bully them, they will remind you that their father is the president of Kenya.

Hilarious characterization of banks in Kenya leave Kenyans in stitches

NIC Bank . Busy showing off the candy engagement ring they got from their new Bae CBA From the time they met at the Music festival.

Equity Bank Kenya are the self proclaimed prefects of the classroom who write down noise makers without anyone asking them to do so, and they are always the first noise makers plus the thugs who steal not only peoples pencils and rubber , they will even steal your saliva if you fall asleep and drool on your desk.

Hilarious characterization of banks in Kenya leave Kenyans in stitches

Barclays Bank of Kenya are kneeling outside at the parking lot , busted for having exams leakage and dishing out fake test papers.

Standard Chartered Kenya always have an excuse to be outside in the field practicing for a marathon

DTB BANK They’re in the staff room snitching
Imperial Bank Group were expelled from school


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