Sunday, February 2, 2025
Home SME BIZNA BASICS Birth of the Bizna Vision

Birth of the Bizna Vision

Birth of the Bizna Vision
Birth of The Bizna Vision

My name is Tonnie Mello. I am a fourth generation entrepreneur and I am passionate about business. I am an Enterprise Development Specialist working as a small business consultant, adviser, trainer and mentor. I believe business has the power to change people’s lives and the destiny of nations across the globe.

Through my various interactions I felt that there was a gap between the needs and the solutions offered. The biggest gap I identified was that little is done to support small businesses grow in real terms: to access markets and finance. I decided to deliver a viable solution launching it online as a way to reach the businesses I could reach because it is relatively affordable and is not limited by space.

Bizna is organized into 3 general areas:
1) Bizna Magazine
Domiciled at, the magazine is a daily offering of stories that affect your pocket. We publish stories and features that celebrate the joys and pains of doing business and share tips and resources that can help readers own that success.

Co-Op center

Our main categories include: Agribusiness, Investment, Profiles, SME, Bizna Basics, Corporate, News and The Garage.
Content is delivered in a brief and easy to read format that will keep readers engaged. We would be more than glad to share your story or of anyone you know that will inspire others to business or career success.

2) Bizna Business Directory
Is a free listing of businesses that is available online and will soon be available on mobile via SMS. One of the greatest challenges that buyers have is finding businesses when they need them. Buyers only search for the businesses they know making it hard for smaller businesses to get such business. We have come up with a solution that gives buyers details of the company that they are looking for and offers other related options.


Bizna Business Directory has the following features:
Description of Services – Businesses can share as much detail on the company as they wish.
Contacts – All the company’s contacts are availed: physical address, phone contacts, online contacts and well as social media pages. Buyers can contact the company directly from the directory.
Images – Listed companies can share up to 5 images of choice.
Rating – Buyers and users of your products and services have a chance to rate and review your products and services. Good customer ratings attracts increased sales in future.
Premium Listing – Businesses that pay for premium listing are more prominent and are promoted on the Bizna social media accounts including: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Google+.

View Business Directory HERE

3) Bizna Hustle
We are pleased to launch Bizna Hustle. It a career directory where anyone has a chance to list all his “Hustles” – careers, jobs, positions, engagements etc. We realized that most people are involved in more that one thing and most of the time some of the things remain hidden/subdued in the quest for relevance and importance in the person’s life. With Bizna Hustle, each hustle is presented as a stand alone which gives it due importance.

Further, any hustle can be represented from House Help, Driver, Guitarist, Sunday Schools Teacher, CEO, Investor… the list is truly endless.
List your hustle HERE

Co-Op post

My contacts:

Facebook: Tonnie Mello

Twitter: @tonniemello

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