Bungoma County Governor, Kenneth Lusaka, has bought 10 wheelbarrows for the County’s Agricultural Department at a cost of Ksh109,000 each. According to the County, the wheelbarrows which were delivered recently are set to be distributed to farmers within the region.
The County’s Ministry of Agriculture requested for 1.09million for 10 wheeelbarrows and Lusaka approvedthe purchase despite the price was inflated.
Members of Staff at Lusaka’s office say that County officials are involved in corruption deals and the wheelbarrow saga is a drop in the ocean.
When they asked why a wheelbarrow costs 10 times its market price, they were told they are imported and their quality is superior compared to those that are locally produced.
Other suspicious County purchases are:
- Nyamira County repaired Hospital Gate for Kes 28M
- Kirinyaga County paid for a facebook page opening for Kes 2M
- Homa Bay Gorvenor’s Toilet was constructed with Kes 4M