Thursday, February 6, 2025

This Is Where You Can Network With The Best Marketers In Nairobi

Networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization! Networking is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships. Ask any senior executive, politician, community leader or successful salesperson which single skill or habit helped them excel in their career – an overwhelming majority will respond with one simple word… Networking.

And here’s your opportunity to jump right into the networking bandwagon.

The 2016 Nairobi Marketers’ Nite Out will be happening on Friday 9th September at 6:30pm at Ole Sereni Hotel. The host of the night will be Roger Steadman, Chairman Ipsos Pan Africa at the Fireside Chat. He will be sharing his journey through business and the secret to innovativeness and longevity in the business world.

Co-Op center

Born and educated in the UK, Roger pursued an FMCG marketing career with Unilever. He held various senior positions in the UK, Ireland and Malaysia before his posting to Kenya in 1973. He left Unilever to form a Kenyan business consultancy where he widened his experience into publishing, pharmaceuticals, and consumer durables.

He’s been the main driver for media research development in the region for more than 35 years and the prime mover in drawing together subscribing syndicates. He was chairman of JIKMARC (Joint Industry of Kenya Media Audience Research Committee).


He’s a founder member of PAMRO (Pan Africa Media Research Organization) which is tasked with coordinating media research techniques & data collection around the continent. Roger was chairman of Marketing Society Of Kenya for 12 straight years and its pioneer Fellow. He has numerous other feat in his cap which he will be sharing at the live fireside session.

Tickets for the dinner are now available and registration is currently being wrapped up. A few slots are still open on first come basis. Kindly get in touch with us via mail, or call Dorah on: 0717529052 to ensure your team slots are secured.



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